Powder coating is a process in which generally electrically conductive material is coated with powder coatings. The powder is sprayed electrostatically or tribostatically onto the substrate to be coated and then baked


  • Power-Wash

Powder coating systems:



External coating (tunnel), heater group, air circulation and exhaust technology, exhaust system and ventilation systems.

IR Dryer

The infrared system can be used for drying or as a hot air oven in a variety of ways. The convector speed is very fast and the efficiency is very high so that considerable cost savings can be achieved when drying or cooking (duct systems).

The infrared system can be used for drying, and also as a hot air oven with the exhaust air heat in a variety of ways. The heating rate of the irradiated parts is very fast and the efficiency is very high so that considerable cost savings can be achieved during drying.

The exhaust air heat can then be used further via duct systems with heat exchangers.